Supporting St Oswald's

At St Oswald’s our Parish Share (the money we pay to Chester Diocese for our church and a vicar) is £51,395. That is £988 each week. That is before any lighting, heating, maintenance etc. is taken into consideration.  Should you wish to make a regular contribution to the running costs of the church our treasurer would be pleased to hear from you.  You can download a Standing Order form or collect one from the church and return it to your bank, letting the treasurer know that you’ve done so. If you are a UK tax payer you might like to complete a Gift Aid form so that the church can reclaim tax on your donation. This should be returned to the treasurer.

Another way of supporting the upkeep of St Oswald’s is by joining the 100 club.

We launched the 100 Club in May 2008 and membership currently stands at 71, although it has been as high as 106. The club currently raises about £2,500 each year (after prizes) and really does make a huge difference to our resources. So far it has raised over £25,000 for the running costs of our church. And all for the minimal cost of £1 per week to members!

The 100 Club works in this way:

We collect £1 a week from each member per number held, which can be paid either as an annual fee of £52, or £13 per quarter, by standing order. Members are allocated individual numbers and each month two numbers are drawn.  The first receives a prize of £70, the second receives £30. The remainder of the proceeds go to the church.  You may individually hold more than one number and indeed, past winners have often had multiple holdings.  It really is as simple as that!

The 100 Club is designed to appeal to regular churchgoers and those people who may not be able to worship regularly with us, but who also think it is important that the church remains open as an important part of village life.

We really would like to get our membership back up to at least 100 and hope that if you are reading this you may feel able to help – all for £1 per week!  Please do join the 100 Club by completing the  membership form at the back of this magazine or online at our website, and simply post it back.

100 Club application form

The 100 Club has already raised £15,000 to help keep our historic church open and makes a huge difference to our resources, so please do support us. You’ll find more details of what we are  working towards at the moment on the Current Projects page.