St Oswald’s Services

St Oswald’s church has two services on Sunday at 8.00am, 11.00am . The church celebrates the great Christian festivals, as well rural festivals such as Plough Sunday, Rogation and Harvest, and the national Remembrance Sunday.

The 8.00am service is traditional Prayer Book (1662) service of Holy Communion, with no hymns and no sermon. It generally lasts about 30 minutes. Many people brought up with the Prayer Book speak of enjoying its “poetry” and cherishing some wonderful liturgical phrases that have been part of their worship and faith for a long time. This is a quiet reflective service for those who welcome such a beginning to Sunday.

The 11.00am service is the main act of worship and the form of service changes according to the Sunday in the month. On the first Sunday of the month we have an informal All-Age Service at which families are most welcome and children are encouraged to take part in the service. On the second, third and fourth Sundays of the month we celebrate with a service of Holy Communion. This is a simple, modern, liturgical service where we like to welcome everyone to receive communion or a blessing. The Children go out together after The Confession and enjoy a bible story, craft and usually some singing. They return to the service during communion and come forward together for a blessing at the altar, before returning to their families.

On the fifth Sunday at 11am we have a Benefice Service held alternately at St Oswald’s and St Lawrence’s when the congregations of the two churches join together in worship.There is no children’s church on these occasions.

Weekday services. St Oswald’s also has a service of Holy Communion during the week. This is a said service which last about 30 minutes and takes place on Wednesday at 10.00am. It is followed by a service of healing and anointing.