As we remember, at this time, those we love who have died, we give thanks for the good things; the positive ways they influenced us, the love we shared, and the times of joy and peace. And as we look back with thanksgiving so too do we acknowledge the sadness, anger and loneliness we feel. We grieve because our loved ones have gone physically from our lives. But our loss is not loss without hope – because we have the hope of the resurrection. God’s will is not death but life. God too cries at the pain and suffering death causes and the whole of the New Testament can be seen as God overcoming death and bring eternal life. God loves us and Jesus died so that we, and all the saints, may have eternal life.
We remember those who have enriched our lives with love and beauty, kindness and compassion, thoughtfulness and understanding. And we seek the strength and insight borne of faith, believing that we are united with them, in the communion of saints and will, one day, share with them in glory.