Holy Communion can now be given to the congregation in two kinds again. This means that Fr Murray will Intinct (dip) the Host (wafer) into the wine at the distribution. During the distribution of Holy Communion, we would ask that you come to the front socially distanced and in single file. Please remain standing while receiving Holy Communion or a blessing. Fr Murray will not speak audibly to you at the at the distribution, he will simply place the Intincted Host (Bread/Wafer) in your hand for you to consume.
When you have been handed the Intincted host please step to your right, lower your face mask to consume the Intincted host, and then replace your mask before returning to your seat. If you come for a blessing Fr Murray will silently pray a blessing for you whilst making the sign of the cross.
After receiving Holy Communion or a Blessing, please return to your seat via the Shakerley chapel wearing your mask, using the one-way system and remaining two meters apart.